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Chu comes from Taiwan and has been exposed to rich culture since his childhood. Chinese cultural elements, which are not superficial but with deep cultural connotation, could always be found in his design. Combined with his keen observation of scenario, his works could always awaken those emotions in people’s memories. That is why his works could touch readers’ heart. His works touch not only Chinese who have shared cultural memories, but also westerners. “In Chu’s works, we see new modern eastern design” said such westerners.


Chu Chih-Kang received global authoritative design awards. His work “Fangsuo Bookstore in Chengdu” has been featured as trend resource in Europe, and it was listed in “The Most Beautiful Bookstore” by AD(Architectural Digest) magazine.

Chu was invited by GAA(Global Art Affairs) Foundation to exhibit his work in “Time Space Existence” in La Biennale di Venezia 2016, and in “Personal Structures” in La Biennale di Venezia 2017. He established WUGUAN BOOKS in 2017. He is passionate about design and creation, practices interesting concepts in his design.


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Image: Agrapolis Urban Permaculture Farm by David Johanes Palar


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