August 29, 2022
Open spaces in big cities, like urban parks, are great for migrating birds, but what surrounds them often isn’t. “A new generation of urban parks has given birds more places to roost in highly populated areas. But something else has followed these parks as well: real estate capital. The vogue for urban parks creates more economic impetus to build shiny buildings with big windows opposite those urban wetlands, glades and groves.” Bird collisions are common with these buildings because birds don’t perceive glass the same way people do, and will crash into all glass facades while on their migration route. These collisions are part of the reason North America has three billion fewer birds today than in the 1970s, according to a recent study.
Alexandra Lange is a design critic.
Kaitlyn Parkins is the interim director of conservation and science at New York City Audubon.
"Purus venenatis, ullamcorper varius consectetur ante" by Carmine Gallo
"Ornare rutrum morbi dui" by Carmine Gallo
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Image: Agrapolis Urban Permaculture Farm by David Johanes Palar